Sunday, October 21, 2012

Where can I buy a Thin Lizzy T-shirt in Dublin

Where can I buy a Thin Lizzy T-shirt in Dublin?
I live in Finland, but I'm going to Dublin in May 11th and I thought it would be nice to buy a Thin Lizzy t-shirt from its hometown, and pose right next to Phil Lynott's statue wearing it. So, where do people buy their band shirts in Dublin? I assume that in Ireland almost every band shirt store has Thin Lizzy t-shirts. :)
Dublin - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
One of the shops in Temple Bar. Behind the Central Bank. >,-6.262454&sspn=0.001262,0.002411&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Crown+Alley,+Dublin+2,+County+Dublin+City,+Ireland&ll=53.34524,-6.262996&spn=0.001262,0.002411&z=19 Or you could try Tower Records. >,-6.262859&sspn=0.001262,0.002411&ie=UTF8&hq=Tower+Records&hnear=&ll=53.343093,-6.261107&spn=0.001262,0.002411&z=19&iwloc=A
2 :
To joobay have a look, there may be what you want.(Free Shipping Now ! ! !),name,100051,user_id,shop
3 :
buy a Thin Lizzy T-shirt why not go online
4 :
Go to Amazon, you can get anything what you want:

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