Sunday, October 14, 2012

If a nuclear bomb were to decimate Moscow, how would people in Finland be affected by the fallout

If a nuclear bomb were to decimate Moscow, how would people in Finland be affected by the fallout?
What I mean to say is, I've heard that fallout levels are affected a lot by wind currents. Like, wind can blow fallout profusely over one country or many countries, or it can instead go over the sea - but I know that there would probably always be some fallout blown over Finland, if a bomb roughly the size of the ones that exploded in Japan during WWII decimated Moscow. But if that happened, and even if the wind currents didn't blow great amounts of fallout over Scandinavia, would everyone living in Finland still get poisoned by the radiation and die?
Physics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You might get some radiation depending on the size but u probably woudnt.If u did,the bomb would have to be HUGE to kill you from the radiation,but it could poision you.
2 :
I'd say an atomic weapon detonated in St. Petersburg would have a far more greater effect on Finland than a bomb detonated in Moscow. Moscow is fairly far away from the borders of Finland, while St. Petersburg is just next door.

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