Thursday, April 1, 2010

Your opinions on strict smoking bans in Finland, and if they happened where you live

Your opinions on strict smoking bans in Finland, and if they happened where you live?
To anyone who doesn't know - Finland is thinking about banning people from smoking in a car if there are any under 18s in there (I think they've also banned it in public places already) and they're planning on banning smoking completely. It isn't banning smoking in cars altogether - just smoking when there is someone under the age of 18 (aka a child) in the car with you.
Current Events - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They will have to make tobacco illegal to do that. I don't think it will work. But I would not be happy in my country if they decided to impose that kind of control on my personal choices. Alcohol is far more deadly than tobacco in the short term and long term the effects of alcohol are horrible, and it is in no way being considered to be made illegal. If people don't want to smoke, then they don't have to smoke.
2 :
The problem with cigarette smoke is that it is something physical that has an effect on people who don't want to experience that effect. People shouldn't have to go around with oxygen bottles just because they want to breathe fresh air. Smokers should be forced to blow their cigarette smoke into bottles that they have to carry around.
3 :
Good on them although having been to Finland on several occasions they have a far greater problem with alcohol.I've never seen people,men and women, drink like they do. As a reformed smoker I'm all for an outright ban but leave my beer alone. Masha.
4 :
I don't smoke and never have, so it would not negatively effect me at all. I am not found of others choosing to smoke around me and usually choose to not be around people who smoke...... I can imagine it will anger a lot of people who do smoke.
5 :
Your government is your mommy? Are they going to pass a law forcing people to wear hats when it's cold out? Passive aggressive control freaks. It's all about power and control. Governments, in democratic societies at least, should mind their own business and not nitpick people. And adults shouldn't''t tolerate being nannied and babied. There is ZERO empirical evidence that so-called second hand smoke is dangerous. And smoking IN YOUR OWN CAR OR HOME couldn't possibly be more private. Puritanism really irritates me. More people need to really chill and mind their own business.
6 :
We already have that rule about the cars in Australia for under 16's. I think it's great. Banning it completely would be very difficult though.
7 :
Good for Finland, it's time we fell in line and joined the world of the sane.

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