Sunday, March 7, 2010

Live and work in finland

Live and work in finland?
I am from lebanon, and in this country, when u finish your ninth grade, you get a certificate for your achievments and u can start deciding what to work and other stuff... I have always dreamed of working in Finland but i dunno how, i would like to study there in college and buy an apartment.. and i ams till 14, and i wanna do this when i am 18 or more, i wanna study there. Am serious
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is not very easy to do the move and come here just for working, we still have the economical recession so there is unemployment everywhere across the country! Here are some information for you to read, but please contact the local Finnish embassy first in order to find out more:
2 :
I have translated your question into Finnish. Now you decide. Olen kotoisin Libanonista, ja tässä maassa, kun u lopeta yhdeksännen luokan, saat sertifikaatti saavutuksia ja u voi alkaa päättää mitä tehdä ja muita juttuja ... Olen aina haaveillut työskennellä Suomessa, mutta en tiedä kuinka haluaisin opiskella siellä yliopistolla ja ostaa asunnon .. ja minä ams asti 14, ja haluan tehdä tämän, kun olen 18 tai enemmän, haluan opiskella siellä. Am vakava Um, you DO speak Finnish?
3 :
The best way for you to do that is to study there first. If you work your ass off to learn the language like I've seen people from third world countries do (not that yours is), anything is possible. But like canti said, it's not easy.

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