Sunday, March 14, 2010

What should I do to get my black hair to grow and be healthy (again)

What should I do to get my black hair to grow and be healthy (again)??
I'm black and I've been trying to grow my hair long for ever. I've been either braiding my hair or relaxing it. The problem is, after relaxing it, it always breaks off, and if I have braids for a long time my hair becomes weak. Right now I decided on braids after having them relaxed this summer, only for them to go brittle. So I need to know what are the best methods for black hair growth?? Plus, I live in Finland, so I don't exactly have many salons (they don't know how to treat black hair) or products to chose from! I need help!!!!! Thanks in advance! :)
Hair - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Having a lustrous mane is the dream of every man or woman. To get a head full of healthy hair, you need to follow some tips of good nutrition. We give you the most important tips to have healthy hair. 1) Eat sufficient amount of protein: Protein consists of essential amino acids, necessary for creating new cells, including hair cells. The amino acids necessary for proper hair growth are: cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine. Insufficient intake of protein over a long period, forces hair to go in the resting phase. They fall off after some time. Hence include adequate amount of protein-rich food in your diet. The best dietary sources of protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, nuts, grains and seeds. Ensure 15% of your daily calories should be derived from protein-rich foods. 2) Eat sufficient quantity of good carbohydrates: Carbs are the most important source of energy. They contribute to the development of body tissues, including hair. They are a vital source of B vitamins, necessary for healthy hair. However, you should eat non-refined carbs instead of sugars and white flour. Ensure you eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes. Try to get 55-60% of your daily calories from non-refined carbohydrate-rich foods.
2 :
Organics Hair Mayonnaise, Dr. Miracle's Feel-it Gro formula, and Tail 'n' Mane Shampoo work together perfectly with my hair. They make it grow so fast. I cut my hair up to my ears in June and had it in a really cute choppy look. Right now my hair is past my shoulder blades. All summer I washed my hair with Tail 'n' Mane, then I would use the hair mayonnaise as a leave in conditioner. Then style as usual with the Feel-it Gro formula. You can actually feel it growing because of the tingling sensation from the Feel-it Gro. And all of these used together make your hair really soft and strong. Stay away from Gels and stiffening hairsprays because they cause your hair to break. And try not to use chemicals like relaxers and perms because it weakens your hair and it's not healthy. Try some natural alternatives such as a Press 'n' Curl. That's what I get. It keeps your hair strong and if the right person does it, people mistake it for a relaxer.
3 :
You damaged your hair because of relaxing now its too sensitive. I suggest that you stop braiding it as of now. Buy a baby shampoo transfer half of it in a seperate bottle then fill the other half with the extract or juice of natural aloe vera. Buy an aloe vera plant i suggest. Use that aloe vera and baby shampoo mixture whenever you take a bath. Apply a hair spa treatment to your hair twice a month, like Loreal hair spa or Semi-delino mix with hot oil. Then steam your hair by putting hot towels with shower cap for 20 mins. If you do not have these products in finland. Use coconut oil instead, then steam it. Remember to always brush your hair never to braid it because it must be treated because it has been damaged.
4 :
Hi. I've been using olive oil once a week for more than 15 years. Before goin to bed, i heat up a cup of olive oil (slightly warm), rub it all over my hair, wrap my head in a turban and go to bed. Wake up and get it shampoo-ed. It works, your diet is important too. Eating eggs does contribute to healthy hair too. A good shampoo and conditioner helps. All the best to a new hair beginning!:)
5 :
Prenatal vitamins. Plain and simple. They grow your hair a lot.
6 :
Your hair had become damage, so you must start over by adding extra conditioners to it. You need to add moisture to your dry, brittle hair. I use Mane 'N Tail Carrot Oil Cream and Olive Oil Cream and message it in my hair and scalp. This will help the blood to circulate and stimulate the hair follicles, which promote healthly, hair growth. Do this at least two times a week. Moisturizing and Messaging the scalp that's all you need to do.
7 :
i had the same problem, hair weak from relaxers and braids. eventually i got tired of the cycle and just cut all my relaxed hair off. for me that was the only way to get my hair back healthy, start all over again.

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