Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why is nudity so widely accepted in places like Finland but so frowned apoun (and against the law) here

Why is nudity so widely accepted in places like Finland but so frowned apoun (and against the law) here?
I am a nudist so naturally I wish It was more like Finland here or wish I lived in Finland but what made us so different from them and them from us? I see nudity as beautifully natural, I see it as a practical way of living, I see a lot of the ways they do things in Finland as a practical way of living. Why are so many places, especially America so against public nudity?
Sociology - 13 Answers
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mostly because of religeous people, they think its not right to do it and its indecent. personally I could care less. Pluss dont forget that most of are laws are based on religeous beliefs.
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Because most americans are a punch of prudes who think if a kid sees a boob he will be scarred for life, but playing Scarface on PS3 for 12 hours on end is OK because it's just a "game". They hide Playboy in a wrapper and stick behind the counter in the store, but a kid can walk to Blockbuster and get Saw III without a single problem. And most adults can't trust themselves not to freak out when they see a naked body, so they don't want to see one and they don't want anyone else to see one either so their own person hangups about the human body seem normal.
4 :
The reason is that like thanksgiving day, this country was founded by the "pilgrims" religious folks that while escaping religious persecution in England set up their own brand here. Because of the pilgrims america is traditionally a conservative country. No sex, no drugs the result is reblious music that raised and continues to raise eye browes
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Political correctness is a virtue in many countries.
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American culture was largely shaped by the Puritans and other Protestant movements, which condemn public nudity. Scandinavian culture was not.
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Borat. Desperate Housewives. Pets. Subjectivity. Pants Off-Dance Off.
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Which country has been more sucessful, granted that may change with the way things are going, but overall think about it
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Everyone is correct, past religious ideals are still ingrained into our society. That and that we have more old country buffets here
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I think it's because nudity is a part of life when you grow up in Finland. It's natural, and nothing to freak out about. When you're little, it's normal to be naked in the sauna with the rest of your family. Little children are also usually naked on the beach in the summer. When you get older, you don't get naked in front of just anyone - but it's perfectly natural to be naked in the sauna with close friends and family. Public swimming pools always have saunas, and you're usually not allowed to wear swimsuits in them so you do end up seeing a lot of nude, same-sex strangers. It doesn't seem to bother anyone. Please note: there's nothing sexual about saunas! It's just a place to relax and unwind, and nudity is a normal part of it. As for why America is so different, I have no idea. But it does strike me as totally insane that you can show torture and murder on TV, but one little nipple and the entire nation goes mad. Oh well.
11 :
Sadly, our culture equates every aspect of nudity with sex, and therefors condems it as something to be hidden from public view. As many of us know, simple nudity is usually very's sensual, of course, but not sexual (ask anyone who enjoys the nude beach...we know the difference!) Adding to the problem is the fact that pornography is so prevalent in our culture that the equation of nudity with sexuality is difficult to overcome for most people. I feel that our culture is slowly (!) coming to accept simple nudity in appropriate situations (the nude beach I go to here on Long Island gets more popular every summer), but we've definitely got a long way to go.
12 :
I think it relates to the growing problem of obesity in the US. JUST KIDDING!!!!!! This question has been answered so well already, I decided to just make a bad joke. And Finland isn't the only place. Most of Europe is much more open. If you walk along the banks of the Seine in Paris on a hot summer day, you are likely to see several topless, if not nude, sunbathers. Go to the beach in Barcelona, Spain and you will see the same, and not on designated 'nude' beaches either, any beach is fine to go au naturel. I live in Hawaii, and I laugh everytime there is a European visitor who decides to go nude on a non-nude beach (there are only two 'nude' beaches that I know of, though it is still technically illegal even on those beaches) and I hear the shocked gasps of my fellow americans. Come on, America, it's time to get over it ... it's the suit we were all born in ... we should be able to wear it proudly without anyone being offended!
13 :
because this is a closed minded country run by religious zealots.

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