Sunday, February 7, 2010

i have lived in Finland for 6 years , where can i find English speaking people living here too

i have lived in Finland for 6 years , where can i find English speaking people living here too ?
just to chat about Finland and how life is here , likes and dislikes , societey and culture and who knows what ?
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Do you mean you're looking for an online forum? (Because from my experience traveling there, a good percentage of people speak English.) Here's a couple for expats:
2 :
I don't know about Finland but here in Hungary there are manyclubs for English speakers and some for people who just want to practice their English skills. They are usually advertised in the English newspapers, maybe you can find one where you are.

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