Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Why are the Muslims who were invited to live in Britain,France,Germany,Sweden,Finland etc protesting so much

Why are the Muslims who were invited to live in Britain,France,Germany,Sweden,Finland etc protesting so much?
Those countries opened up their borders and invited them to live there in PEACE- only now they are getting chaos, and can't find anymore peace. The muslims who now live in Europe - most not all of them- Protest in the streets holding signs about Jihad, Death to Sweden- Death to Capitalism, Death to America, Death to Finland. Why in the WORLD - are far left liberals in America now doing the same thing they did? Do we really want that kind of Trouble in America? Their Culture don't MIX with ours- they don't TOLERATE others who are not inside of their COLLECTIVE!
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Kinda like all the little Mexicans protesting here in the USA and demanding preferential treatment just because they were undereducated peasants
2 :
Well, for those people that thought the crusades were wrong.............. I rest my case.
3 :
nuke em
4 :
They do not want to assimilate they want to move in to your home and move you out. By move you out they also want that in two pieces, your head and the rest of your body. The countries you note are finally starting to realize what a huge mistake they made by being so generous. Glad to see you ans others are conscience of this.
5 :
'cause like libs in the US, they've found constant whining gets them their own way.
6 :
They're not. I have no idea where you get this idea, but I can assure you that Muslims do not protest a lot. This weekend in London there were half a million protesters in Westminster campaigning against government cuts. Some of them were probably Muslim, but the chants you would have heard had nothing to do with jihad or Islam. The real issues facing us are not about religion or immigration, however much you would like to believe they are. By the way - "death to Finland"??? In what demented dream did you come up with THAT one??
7 :
They are members of the societies, and are allowed to have a voice. Kind of like how Tea Partiers were acting like jerks in a nation where the Native Americans kindly allowed them to come and co-exist. It's not like Muslims are brought in as serfs or slaves, who can't voice their views. Sorry, that's how free societies work.
8 :
The whole rebellious attitude of the left, unions, Muslims, and many more is all like comparing ruthless gangs and criminals. They will band together to protect their own interests and beat the law, but will fight each other at a moments notice.
9 :
I'm a fan of flag flying when you are attending an international event It's a great ice- breaker Flying a lebanese flag at a local footy game is cause for dissent, cheer your team not the fact one player is greek/lebanese/israeli Fit in......and before you whinge MIGRANT STORIES - read few

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