Saturday, July 14, 2012

About a free (or sponsored) international Masters study programs in computer science in Finland

About a free (or sponsored) international Masters study programs in computer science in Finland?
Hello I have heard there are universities in Finland and Norway that would offer a free study especially in the areas of IT so that this countries will fill the human resource gap thier IT industry is facing. I need information on specific universities or colleges that provide these opportunities to international students. This is because I am currently not able to pay the living costs in Finland and there may be a possibility to get career in Finland.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Eh, it is true that education is free in Finland, however the IT section is a bit crowded nowadays and people who get a degree in it seem to have trouble getting work, unless of course they are better than most (I don't know where you have heard that we need more IT students!). Living costs for students are generally low, although I doubt you will get any sort of sponsorship. Still, apartments for students can be as low as 200 euros a month (though there is a significant waiting period) and the bus system is very good, so you wont need a car.

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