Saturday, July 21, 2012

What kind of a reaction should i have towards my mom

What kind of a reaction should i have towards my mom?
I live in the USA and my grandpa lives in finland. my mom is from finland and moved to america when she was like 20. my grandpa has always lived in finland, doesnt speak english, and i never really got to know him. he is really sick and is about to die. i know its really going to hurt my mom when he passes, but since i never knew him it wont really affect me that much. how should i react towards my mom when i get the bad news that he has passed away?
Family - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
just be very comforting towards her, and just be a shoulder to cry on for her.
2 :
Well you can't really do much but just show some grief and I'm sure your mom would understand that you wouldn't feel as sad as her since you never really got to know him.
3 :
just be close to her. give her a hug and hold her. dont say his name or anything. just be silent.
4 :
Just comfort her and tell her how much you loved him, even if you didn't know him. Be sure to remind her how he WAS, not how he IS (dead). It really helps if you ask her to tell you stories about her childhood and what she remembers about him. Then you might feel a little bit closer to them, therefore able to share the grief.
5 :
just comfort her and if she questions why you arent as upset just tell her that " you really wish you could have got to know him better. "
6 :
About all you can do is hug her and tell you that you are sorry for the loss, and try to be there for her. At some point, try to get her talking... maybe tape record it for posterity and transcribe it into a text document. It must have been interesting growing up in Finland. This family culture should not be lost. Tell her that you want to pass down this history to your kids.
7 :
Just be there for her.... it will mean so much to her...
8 :
how would you act to a friend who lost someone that you don't know? just be there when she needs you! she might need lots of hugs. and if you have the chance get to know him. if might hurt a little more but maybe you might understand why someone else might hurt from his passing. if you cant know him just try to understand that your mom does and hes important to her for a reason even though you donut understand it. everyone has their feelings so all you can do is be a shoulder to lean on when needed.
9 :
All you can do is be there for your mom. It's okay if you aren't that upset she will understand, but don't run around all happy either. Just be there for her and with her.
10 :
u should still comfort her. shes youre mom
11 :
First of all its not necessary that he passes..he's in a state to die..maybe if this unfortunate thing you said it will hurt your mom. In this state you really need to comfort her. There is nothing to show about...if you didn't have any feelings towards him its all right..beacause you never got a chance to know him. So rather than thinking about anything else like how to must react normal and comfort your mom.
12 :
As you never got to know the only way you can try to comfort you mom is there for her in an understanding way..the only way I think you can do this is by..imagining how deep your feelings would be at the lost of a very close friend or even a parent...listen to her if she needs to talk about him...and give her time to grieve...remember everyone grieves in different be patient.

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