Monday, December 14, 2009

40 wks pregnant and want to induce my a american but i live in finland.ive heard saunas induce labor

40 wks pregnant and want to induce my a american but i live in finland.ive heard saunas induce labor?

Pregnancy - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I wouldn't try a sauna. While the idea is to induce labor, you don't want to harm the baby.Try having intercourse, or going out for a walk. Try some spicy food as well.
2 :
My Ob told me to do alot of walking because the gravity helps the baby to move down. She also said sex helps because there is a hormone in the semen that helps to thin out the cervix. Sitting on a birthing/exercise ball could also help with the gravitational pull on the baby.
3 :
walk alot do jumping jacks have intercourse umm take stomach stuff to make u go to the bathroom
4 :
i don't recommend a sauna. moderate exercise is good for bringing on labor. take a vigorous walk (make sure you go with someone) and that may help.
5 :
Hon my advice is to just be patient and let your baby come when its ready......maybe you need these few minutes or hours or days for your body to be completely ready for the birth......Good Luck Sweetie!
6 :
Your baby is almost here - do not try any crazy home remedies for inducing labor, they could be dangerous. Walking, sex, spicy food, try em all (although I never got to the sex thing - just couldn't do it with my giant tummy!) as they are safe. If you go too long your doctor may induce, but it will be under medically controlled circumstances. BE patient, your little one will be here in a matter of days! Also, I would not reccomend the castor oil trick... it can sometimes cause the baby to pass merconium in utero - and if you are late that increses the likelyhood of that happening.
7 :
I am assuming you want your baby born in the USA?? Don't worry, a doc's note, and you can NOT fly back home no matter what your passport says! Do not use a sauna the high temps are not safe for your baby, try lots of sex, light jogging/walking..and at this late an internal exam just may break your go get checked out..good luck!
8 :
You don't want to do that. By raising your body temp too high, you may hurt the baby. It seems that the only reason it may induce labor is because the baby could be in distress. Try sex instead, if you haven't already lost your bag of waters.

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