Sunday, June 14, 2009

people that live in finland or know ALOT about it

people that live in finland or know ALOT about it.?
there's a new girl on my bus and she's from finland. topics to talk to her about? different things from america and finland. anything thatnks! i will give best answer!
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Finns don't talk to strangers. Be aware and prepared..
2 :
Unfortunately most of the Finns are relatively quiet when they are with strangers, they only talk about weather then! But, you can try to become a closer friend with her so after that it's perhaps much easier to talk about other things.
3 :
I don't know, it depends so much on the person and where in Finland she is from. To anyone from abroad usual (and I think nice) things to ask are such as finding out what she is doing there in America, studying, working etc. Does she like it there? is she going to stay long? how does the weather differ....and so on. You maybe ought to ask about these things from her, it's always nice when someone is interested of you and where you come from. I haven't been to America, but I used to live in the UK, here's somethings that might be different there too: - Finland does not have off-licenses, we have government controlled liquor stores called "Alko" (this is good, as Finns drink a lot, but we are NOT proud about it so be careful on this topic) -The winters in southwest and Midwest Finland are quite mild these days, but northern Finland still has nice proper winters with lots of snow. - Finland has over 50 000 lakes, most of them small and located in the lake district (Mideast Finland) -Santa comes from Finland (from north, place called Korvatunturi) -Finnish people are often considered quiet and rude- we are ashamed of this and do not mean to be that way. Finns are "slow in warming up" but once you get there, it's worth it. We do not meant to be rude, but the culture here is not quite as polite as there, so it may seem that way. - Finland is a large country (in the European scale of things...) but only has 5 million inhabitants spread all over the place-most people live in Helsinki and south/southwest Finland - summers are warm and very beautiful throughout Finland - Finland is a clean country and we appreciate nature -Finns do not like to be associated with Russia or Estonia, we identify as Scandinavian - there is ever ongoing dislike between the Swedish and Finnish, much the same way as the English and the French- it is not serious, more like the item of most national jokes. - Finnish is the third hardest language to learn in the world ( I don't know if this is true, but so they say...) We have three extra letters: ä ö and å I can't think of anything more, but you are welcome to ask if something comes up. Just show interest and she will tell you all about it. I like your idea though, it's a nice thought!

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