Thursday, September 25, 2014

Comment on Walking to Sweden: Finland’s Kvarken Archipelago by Cacinda Maloney

Comment on Walking to Sweden: Finland’s Kvarken Archipelago by Cacinda Maloney

Yes, the food was awesome on this trip!

IN THE NEWS: Florida, PA, Michigan; three new publications

Venice, FL: Holy Spirit parish celebrates groundbreaking Groundbreaking for the expansion of Holy Spirit Church, Venice, FL, was recently celebrated by Archpriest Stephen Lourie, Priest-in-Charge, pictured with [from left] Council President Jeffrey Constant, Building Committee Chair Marie Maruskin, ...

ΓΙΑΤΙ Ο ΚΙΝΕΖΙΚΟΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΧΑΡΤΙΝΟΣ ΔΡΑΚΟΣ/ Why the Chinese military is only a paper dragon Corruption, bad neighbors, inflation, and a demographic time bomb — these are just a few of Beijing's w ...

ΓΙΑΤΙ Ο ΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΚΙΝΑΣ ΔΕΝ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΦΟΒΙΖΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΔΥΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥΣ ΓΕΙΤΟΝΕΣ ΤΗΣ... By Kyle Mizokami, War is Boring | ΤΗΕ WEEK 115 It looks imposing, but… (China Photos/Getty Images) In appearance it is very powerful, but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of — it is a paper tiger. — Mao Zedong on ...

Today's picture & story randoms

Seuraa pieni jälkikatsaus tämän päivän kulusta. Kotimatkallani joogasta sattui olemaan hieno auringonlasku, jota hyödynsin muutaman valokuvan ottamiseen. Siitä jumpasta puheenollen, oli siinä taas hullu tunti, kaikki täällä Englannissa kun on aina astetta hullumpaa kuin mihin on tottunut, tarkoittae ...

Wonderful vintage

Inredning, möbler och prylar fyndade secondhand på antikmarknader, i vintageaffärer eller loppisar är ett bra sätt att addera personlighet till inredningen. Dessutom är det roligt att strosa omkring på jakt efter den perfekta, unika vintage detaljen. Kom in på temat då vi diskuterade inredningsstila ...

Apfelstrudel, or Apples the Austrian Way

During the past few weeks, I’ve been drowning in apples. And I’m not the only one – it’s been (and still is) an incredibly good apple season in Finland! But what to do with these huge amounts of malus domestica? … Continue reading →

School System Projects Notes

South Korea vs. America South Korea Goes to school from 8:00am to dinner, then clean up the classrooms and sometimes not leave until 10:00pm - 2:00am Not block schedule Rarely any homework Lots of studying Must take a foreign language Will normally come home from school, and then either stay up stud ...


(In English below :) ) "En lähe nappulakisoihin, ku siellä hikoaa!", totesi Sanni 4v, kun oli tarkoitus lähteä juoksemaan kilpaa. En ollut lapsena kovin urheilullinen tapaus. Vihasin erityisesti kilpailua, sillä olisin tietenkin halunnut olla paras, mutta rahkeet eivät yksinkertaisesti riittäneet. V ...

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