Thursday, September 18, 2014

Who is Brooklynn Lane

Who is Brooklynn Lane

Well, here I am again…blogging for my third time. Each time I have been required to blog in a class, I have be apprehensive about it and have held back on my responses to the question or the necessary task. In ECMP 355, I am hoping to overcome my fear of having a digital identity and start developin ...

Shooting A Composite Image In Iceland With A $40,000 60MP Phase One 645DF+

Commercial photographer, Lauri Laukkanen, was recently presented with the opportunity to travel to Iceland with a loaner Phase One 645df+ and IQ260 digital back (a $40,000 setup and, as the Finland based photographer refers to it, “a 60 megapixel monster of a camera”) to capture some images for a co ...

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