Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Valmet Automotive is one of top recruiters in Finland

Valmet Automotive is one of top recruiters in Finland

Valmet Automotive, a leading service provider for automotive industry, has more than doubled the number of car builders at their plant in Uusikaupunki, Finland within the past 18 months. The total workforce at the plant now numbers over 1500. While gloomy ...

Robert ready to Rock the Manor

The other slightly left-field angle I like is any form in Scandinavia. I mentioned this ahead of the Irish Open, won by Finland's Mikko Ilonen - for whatever reason, be it climate or course similarities, players from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland ...

Bank of Finland: Eurozone growth under two percent next year

Finland’s central bank says in its September forecast that global economic growth in 2014 will be lower than previously estimated. The bank is optimistic, however, that growth will begin to pick up in 2015 and 2016. The Bank of Finland says in its latest ...

"The European School-to-work Transition And The Crisis" by Luca Giuliani and Francesco Pastore

Luca Giuliani The school-to-work transition is a long, dark tunnel for many young people around the world. However, the problem is not the same everywhere; in Germany, for example, young people have almost the same probability of working as adults, while in the Eastern and Mediterranean EU countries ...

Conficker Continues to be Prominent Threat, Reports F-Secure

The new Threat Report by F-Secure the security vendor highlights that worm Conficker, which has been into existence since six years, continues to be prominent among all security threats, being behind 38% of the total infections between January and June 2014. Mikko Hypponen Chief Research Officer at ...

Korsvoll skole vant nordisk!

Korsvoll sk ole gikk helt til topp i Nordisk mesterskap for barneskolelag som ble avviklet i Selfoss på Island sist helg. Korsvoll hadde kvalifisert seg til nordisk ved å vinne vårens norske mesterskap for barneskoler. På Island konkurrerte vi med de nasjonale mestrene fra Island, Danmark, Sverige o ...

Greece comes last in EU social justice index

An image from the report’s cover A report that found that Greece ranks last among the EU’s 28 members in terms of social justice has urged the government to do more to concentrate its efforts not only on returning to a stable path of growth, but also on improving participation opportunities for a br ...

Bevaka begränsningarna i tradingrangen

winningtrading tobbe rosén (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt): De ledande amerikanska börsindexen pekade i olika riktningar vid måndagens stängning. Framför allt tyngde tekniksektorn där Microsoft föll efter att köpet av Mojang blivit klart. På makrofronten riktar marknaden blickarna mot onsdagens räntemöte. Dow ...

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