Thursday, September 11, 2014

UK: 75% of graduates don't have a good grasp of written English

UK: 75% of graduates don't have a good grasp of written English

Only in one in four graduates is good at maths and English, a study revealed yesterday. The dismal results come despite a surge in education spending and record numbers of university students. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development found that just 25% of Britons with a degree scor ...

My Bohemian Fantasy

Ma murran endale nii tihti sõna ... Selle kohta öeldakse vist, et me pole täna need, kes olime eile. Kas sa mäletad seda postitust, kus hiljuti kirjutasin, et minu jaoks on uus must tumesinine? Käisin äsja ühes second-hand poes ja leidsin täiesti ainulaadse musta vintage kleidi, millel on kuldsete t ...

Metal Musings

Since my return from Finland (and to work), I have read Christopher Partridge’s interesting book The Lyre of Orpheus: Popular Music, The Sacred, & The Profane, which talks a fair bit about metal music. He contends music and sonic environments do convey meaning. (214) So far, so good. Music is never ...

Eniten maailmassa vituttaa ihminen

Haukkukaa populistisiksi ituhippi-saarnaajiksi, joiden argumentoinnissa olisi paikka paikoin parantamisen varaa. Ihan sama. Kiitos Docventures kun tuot asioita uudestaan pinnalle. Koska Suomi on unohtanut Syyrian. Minä ainakin olin. Olo on itkunsekainen, oksettaa ja pyörryttää. Olo on voimaton ja ep ...

Jamaican independence day done FINLAND STYLE

Haha meikäkin päässyt videolle, tässä still-kuvassa oon toi oikeimman puolimmainen, jolla on perse asianmukaisesti ulospäin työnnettynä :D Jamaikaa kunnioittaen, ilmiselvästi. Oli kieltämättä hauska ilta, parasta oli, kun tanssittiin ja hengattiin ulkona - tälläisiä bileitä please lisää! Tunnelma la ...

19 November 1976

Pos LW Weeks Song Artist 1 1 6 You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine - Lou Rawls 2 3 4 Dancing Queen - Abba 3 4 5 Jeans On - David Dundas 4 2 8 I Hate The Music - John Paul Young 5 7 5 Venus - Stockley Sisters 6 5 15 Don’t Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee 7 9 3 Beautiful Noise - Neil ...

Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Well to Hell

Previously: Bloody Mary. Type: MP (Malevolent Portal) Period/location of origin: Subject was first discovered in 1989 in Siberia. Precisely when subject first came into existence is unknown. Appearance: Entrance to subject appears to be a wide, gaping borehole in the Earth’s crust with a depth of at ...

Helsinki Design Museum exhibition celebrates "Finland's second designer"

The Design Museum in Helsinki is hosting a retrospective of work by Ilmari Tapiovaara to raise the profile of the Finnish Modernist furniture and interior designer out from Alvar Aalto's shadow (+ slideshow). Domus chair, 1946 Marking the centenary of Ilmari Tapiovaara's birth, an archive of furnitu ...

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