Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Gamesa Reached 30GW installation Mark

Gamesa Reached 30GW installation Mark

30,000 MW, a history Gamesa’s worldwide installed capacity recently reached the 30 GW mark following the assembly of a G128-4.5 MW turbine at the Tornio wind farm in Finland. Since installing its first wind turbine in Sierra del Perdón, Navarra (Spain), twenty years ago, the company has grown steadi ...

Finland hopes Ukraine aid convoy can pave way for ceasefire

Finnish President said an agreement had been reached between Ukraine, Russia and the International Committee of the Red Cross to let a Russian aid convoy of some 280 trucks enter eastern Ukraine. Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said on Friday he hoped a ...

Poyry : Vantaa Energy waste-to-energy plant inaugurated in Finland

The largest and most energy efficient waste-to-energy plant in Finland has been inaugurated in Vantaa, Finland today. At the event, the Finnish minister for Economic Affairs, Mr Jan Vapaavuori, gave a speech together with Vantaa Energy CEO Mr Pertti ...

Scotland, guns, politics and the companies that do not speak up

An exception was a Danish management consultant who, at the time the euro was created, told me it was like setting household thermostats to the same temperature everywhere from Finland to Greece. His was a more arresting simile than most European senior ...

Four charged in Finland’s first terror case

Prosecutors have charged four people in Finland’s first terror case. The four are suspected of links to the al-Shabaab group in East Africa, but deny the charges. Finnish prosecutors have charged four people with funding terrorist organisations in what i ...

LegCo delegation continues visit to Parliament of Finland

Hong Kong (HKSAR) - The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The delegation of the Legislative Council (LegCo) continued its visit in Finland yesterday (September 16). Delegation members attended several meetings with ...

DGAP-Regulatory: Changes in Nokia Corporation's own shares

Nokia Corporation Stock exchange release September 17, 2014 at 13:25 (CET +1) Espoo, Finland - Based on the previously announced resolution of the Board of Directors to issue shares held by the Company, 133,341 Nokia shares (NOK1V) held by the Company were ...

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