Monday, September 1, 2014

Første uke på skolen overstått

Første uke på skolen overstått

Hei hei! Lenge siden sist, jeg vet. Dagene går som det suser og jeg gjør noe hele tiden, så jeg har ikke hatt en eneste sjanse til å blogge. Idag har jeg vært i Las Vegas i hele to uker. Savner alle dere der hjemme, og håper alt går bra med dere. Får stadig vekk høre at jeg må oppdatere bloggen, men ...

Even Voodoos Get the Blues

The Mutants were formed in 1998 by Veijo Keppo & Jussi Sipilä from the ashes of their previous band Isebel’s Pain. They wanted to form an instrumental band after getting tired of more than their fair share of difficult singers. They play a unique blend of 60s garage rock, surf, porn funk, & manic ps ...

A side project

Yesterday I moved from London to Stockholm. The first blog I wrote was during my time living in Finland, and this proved more popular than I ever expected. As a result, the obvious thing to do now is to start a new blog about my experience in Sweden - A Stray In Stockholm. I'm really looking forward ...

Ole ... Hop Spain 2014 .. Dag 2

Wat moet je doen als je weet dat je tegen team USA. speelt Wat moet je doen als je weet dat dag er voor voor de ogen 9.000 Finse fans dat team USA. alles en iedereen van het parket speelde Wat moet je doen als je weet dat dream team aast op de harde fysieke een tegen een defens en als je de bal verl ...

FIBA World Cup 2014 results: USA wins, France-Serbia goes down to the wire

The Americans finally figured out Turkey, but the game of the day was played between France and Serbia in the group of death. Group A of the 2014 FIBA World Cup is living up to the hype. On Sunday, the match between France and Serbia went down to the wire. The French came out on top with a late free ...

Finland, the Land of Saints

I’ve found the one public computer there is in the town of Porvoo finally (what is this, the 1800’s?), so I can give you an update. I’m going to do things out of order here, but before I do a post about my stay in Stockholm (which was, overall a mixed experience for various reasons but mostly positi ...

August Review Round Up

It’s been a good month. I’m a huge fan of the new Wolves in the Throne Room album. I’m sure the shift to pure instrumental ambience will disappoint genre purists, but narrow-mindedness is not a virtue. There was lots to like this month on top of Celestite too. Obviously, the honourable mentions dese ...

Bc-ap Sports Preview Digest | Fox Sports

He better get used to it if he keeps playing as he did in an opening victory over Clemson. – ARLINGTON, Texas – Defending champion Florida State opened with a 37-31 win over Oklahoma State. address book software The top-ranked Seminoles are well aware improvement is needed. – BILBAO, Spain – The U.S ...

Anatomy of a Play (TEAM USA Edition)

The Debate dives into some screen shots of 2 great quick looks from Coach K and the Team USA staff from this past weekend’s games vs Finland and vs Turkey. Be on the lookout for these and more well designed plans from TEAM USA the rest of the tournament. TODAY’S SET (1): 1-4 Wing Entry vs Denial TOD ...

Fishing & Finnmark

Picking up where we stopped a couple of weeks ago at my parents Turid & Fred’s place in Ramsund… My father is about to retire from his work in the Norwegian navy next month, which means we could end up seeing a bit more of my parents in New Zealand when my mother also retires. The evening of our las ...

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