Sunday, September 14, 2014

Finland at a crossroads developing new Russia policy

Finland at a crossroads developing new Russia policy

Finland's approach to Russia is at a crossroads. After decades of following the Paasikivi-Kekkonen doctrine, which held that Finland should always be seen by Russia to be a 'good neighbour', Finland's agreement of economic sanctions against Russia marks a ...

Golf-European Tour Dutch Open scores

68 62 75 Mikko Ilonen (Finland) 69 66 70 Joachim Hansen (Denmark) 72 66 67 206 Jbe Kruger (South Africa) 73 63 70 Oliver Fisher (Britain) 70 66 70 Chris Wood (Britain) 69 67 70 Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano (Spain) 71 69 66 Robert-Jan Derksen (Netherlands ...

Five Years

Please note: Åbo Svenska Teater invited me to see a preview of this production for free. Åbo Svenska Teater's The Last 5 Years (directed by Markus Virta, starring Alexander Lycke and Anna-Maria Hallgarn) sounds and looks beautiful. But, as I suspected, it is not a musical for my tastes. The Last 5 Y ...

Finland has an image problem?

In worst case scenario, people have asked me several times if Finland was one of the states of U.S.A., showing that people can't always even place Finland to Europe. Similarly, just during the last couple of weeks I have been asked way too often if I was from Sweden or Russia. First, I found it funn ...

9 Stunning Images of the Aurora Borealis Over the U.S.

By Neha Prakash Thanks to the occurrence of two solar flare-induced geomagnetic storms this week, New England’s sky was lit up with the Aurora Borealis Usually the dazzling colors are only visible in regions like Iceland, Norway and Finland, but America got a small dose of the kaleidoscope of colors ...

11.4% CAGR for District Cooling Marketplace Globally to 2019 Says a New Investigation Report Offered

(PRWEB) September eleven, 2014 District cooling finds utilization based on finish-user applications. It is utilised for business, residential, industrial, and other people. Their key application is in the industrial and residential sector. These consist of business complexes, offices, airports, muse ...

Love for Languages

Those who knows me very well would notice my love for cultures especially languages. I am not a polyglot – a person who speaks many languages as I am not fluent in any of the languages except for English and my mother tongue, Malay language. Though I did learnt Finnish during my stay in Finland, Jap ...

Så här slutar valet

Imorgon är det då äntligen val, efter otaliga debatter och oräkneliga opinionsundersökningar är det dags för svenska folket att säga sitt. Men hur går det då? För dig som inte orkar sitta uppe och vänta på det definitiva resultatet imorgon kväll så kommer här min valprognos. De rödgröna (s+mp+v) kom ...

Olika insatser

Vid halvelva-tiden i förmiddags samlades vi som ska jobba med röstmottagningen i vårt valdistrikt vid vår lokal. Den skulle ställas i ordning. När jag kom dit visade det sig att ordföranden och vice ordföranden redan var där och hade gjort det mesta av arbetet. Så när alla var på plats gick det väld ...

Seitan Saturday: Stroganoff

New vegan fraiche by Oatly is available in shops, at least in Finland and Sweden, maybe somewhere else too. It’s oat based and a bit slimy compared to soy based products, but it’s not as slimy as Yosa yogurts. The taste is more sour than plain soy yogurt and can be used in hot and cold dishes. We bo ...

Kahdessa kaupungissa

(FI) Kun herää lauantainakin ajoissa, juo pikaisesti kupillisen kahvia ja hyppää jo yhdeksän maissa junaan, ehtii ennen lounasta käydä vaikka Hannoverissa Holländische Kakao-Stubessa. Oli kyseiseen kaupunkiin vähän muutakin asiaa, sillä kävimme ostamassa tyttärille uusia balettitossuja, mutta kahvil ...

World War III Just Around the Corner (Revelation 15:2)

World War 3: Russia’s Nuclear Weapons Fired, Vladimir Putin Warns U.S. Of More ‘Corresponding Countermeasures’ Posted on 9/12/2014 by Eliyokim Cohen World War 3 is on the tips of the tongues of many, and now that Russia has fired its nuclear weapons as a show of force, Vladimir Putin is already warn ...

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