Thursday, September 11, 2014

En text för framtiden

En text för framtiden

Det var en lång dag i lagtingssalen i går. Först handlade det om förslaget till ny hembygdsrättslagstiftning, en av de allra viktigaste hörnstenarna i bygget av Åland. Efter hembygdsrättsfrågan gick vi över till Omställning Åland eller hur vi kan skapa ett hållbart Åland år 2051. Det kan låta flummi ...

Roots and Wings - the art of letting go

Roots and Wings. Anyone familiar with this concept? Admittedly, I recently saw a Pinterest post that said, "the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings" with a graphic of a tree with it's root system showing and a bird flying away from the tree. It stuck with me for days. I Googl ...

General Audience on the Church as a mother who teaches mercy

This morning's General Audience began at 10:00am in Saint Peter's Square, where the Holy Father, Pope Francis met with groups of pilgrims and the faithful who had come from various parts of Italy and all corners of the world. Before arriving in the Square to begin the Audience, the Holy Father had g ...

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