Wednesday, September 24, 2014

BRICS Developments, September 23rd, 2014 - The Nuclear Rebirth

BRICS Developments, September 23rd, 2014 - The Nuclear Rebirth

The pace of contracts to build new nuclear power plants continues to accelerate around the world; the world outside of the United States and Europe, that is, with the noble exception of Finland... read more

IDSwest | Poppytalk Curated at The Disrict

Cathy Terepocki and Amelie Mancini IDSwest is this weekend and we're super-excited to announce we'll have a booth there this year in the "Poppytalk Curated" section at The District. We're packing up and bringing wares from our edited shop to share at the show! We'll be bringing some charming cloud p ...

Finnair / Helsinki Airport: Match Made in HEL

Campaign site Advertising Agency: SEK & GREY, Helsinki, Finland Project Director: Karla Martinez Majander Creative Director: Jari Ullakko Art Director: Joni Furstenborg Copywriter: Suvi Lähde Additional credits: Roope Nevander Published: September 2014

Kilchoman Port Cask Matured 2014 : a shiny medicine to ease the surprise of the first snow

September. The month when the new Kilchoman was released! On the sidetrack, Finland got it’s first snow today. In September! The winter may have taken a few too many drams, since it arrived early this year. No, the snow won’t last but this is really exceptional. And thus, it is a good reason to unca ...

etherealvistas: Heat Concentrations in the Cold Universe...

> > etherealvistas: Heat Concentrations in the Cold Universe (Finland) by neatmummy

Homoikonin tuhmia ruutuja väijytty ahkerasti

Helsingin MUU Galleriassa esillä oleva Tom of Finland -näyttely Tuhmat ruudut on houkutellut jo tuhansia kävijöitä homoeroottisten sarjisten pariin. Tom of Finlandin eli Touko Laaksosen sarjakuviin keskittyvä näyttely on kiinnostanut kaikenikäistä yleisöä. Näyttely tuo Laaksosen sarjakuvia esille ju ...

Exam week is started

Heti alkuun haluan pyytää teiltä anteeksi tämän todella pitkän tauon takia. Aloitetaan vaikka siitä että en ole koskaan ollut niin pitkään kipeänä, kun olin nyt. Vietin monta päivää sängyssä makoillen, mutta onneksi se on nyt ohi! Siinä ohella työskentelin Mtv news workshopissa, joka oli muuten ensi ...

100 Reasons NOT To Kill Yourself

1. We would miss you. 2. It’s not worth the regret. Either by yourself if you failed or just simply left scars, or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you. 3. It does get better. Believe it or not it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get ...

Finsk strejk kan bli AD-fråga

Effekten av metro- och spårvagnsstrejken i Helsingfors blev inte så besvärlig som befarats, bedömer Trafikverket. Kommunarbetsgivarna KT anmäler strejken till arbetsdomstolen. Cirka 6 000 stadsanställda strejkade på tisdagen i protest mot planer på att bolagisera delar av stadens verksamheter. Fackf ...

Report: iPhone 6 and 6+ success sparks acceleration on Galaxy Note 4 launch

With news that Apple managed to sell over 10 million units of the new iPhone devices (those being the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+), Samsung is sweating a bit — so much so that they’ve reportedly brought the launch of the device up to a nearer date. According to the Korea Times, Samsung is now planning to ...

Private Storage Aid for cheese halted

Moreover, Russia is an exclusive trading partner for cheese for Finland and the Baltic countries (about or over 90% of these countries' cheese exports) which also represents for each of these Member States around or above 1/5 of national cheese production ...

Bolton clash gives Jose a chance to blood fringe players

Fernando Alonso (Spain) Ferrari 6. Felipe Massa (Brazil) Williams-Mercedes 7. Kimi Raikkonen (Finland) Ferrari 8. Valtteri Bottas (Finland) Williams-Mercedes 9. Kevin Magnussen (Denmark) McLaren 10. weiterlesen ... meldet dazu: NOTTINGHAM FOREST ...

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