Friday, August 22, 2014

Why Are Finland's Schools Successful?

Why Are Finland's Schools Successful?

There are no mandated standardized tests in Finland, apart from one exam at the end of students’ senior year in high school. There are no rankings, no comparisons or competition between students, schools or regions. Finland’s schools are publicly funded.

Drew Gooden will not be cleared to play for Finland in FIBA World Cup

Drew Gooden will not be able to represent Finland in the upcoming FIBA World Cup because his application for dual citizenship will not be cleared in time for the tournament, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. The Wizards big man ...

FIBA Basketball World Cup: Washington Wizards Forward, Drew Gooden, Will Not Play For Finland

The FIBA Basketball World Cup is just over a week away, but unfortunately for Washington Wizards fans, Drew Gooden will not be suiting up for Finland in the tournament. According to Jorge Castillo of the Washington Post, Drew Gooden’s application for a ...

Report: Wizards' Drew Gooden won't play for Finland at FIBA World Cup

Washington Wizards big man Drew Gooden, whose mother is Finnish, planned to play for Finland in the 2014 FIBA World Cup. His application for dual citizenship, however, won't be cleared in time to do so, according to the Washington Post's Jorge Castillo.

Drew Gooden won't be playing for Finland this summer

One of the odder potential sites at the 2014 FIBA World Cup will not be happening after all. You all, like I, were probably surprised to hear an ESPN announcer suggest Drew Gooden would play for Finland in the 2014 FIBA World Cup last month. The hope ...

22. Rise And Decline

The last of this blog is being written on the sidelines of another AFL International Cup game, using the blogger app on the iPhone. It has been a good few weeks with the AFLIC in Melbourne. It's been fun to watch these men from around the world playing football in the spirit it was designed. Having ...

Arktiska frågor på dagordningen

Idag blir det medverkan på Nordiska rådets konferens i Kiruna. Samtal och seminarium med våra nordiska grannar om utvecklingsfrågor i området. Med den utveckling som sker ligger vi helt plötsligt geografiskt rätt. Norra Sverige och norra Finland är och blir viktiga för att ge EU möjligheter att påve ...

på tide me en oppdatering

Hei der! Endelig kommer det en oppdatering på hva som skjer her i statene. Ska prøve å ikke skrive for mye å heller vise litt bilder, selv om jeg ikke har vært noe flink til å ta bilder, hehe.. Kan starte med å fortelle om selve reisen. Var en laang reise helt fra Oslo til LA. Men hadde ingen proble ...


The young Canadian team from South Vancouver has had a lot of attention at the storied Little World Series in Williamsburg, despite losing all three of its games. And her name is Emma March. Amid all the media hullabaloo over the amazing Mo’ne Davis, who has been striking out boys at an unprecedente ...

New study finds radiation dose for US West Coast from Fukushima over 500% of recent gov’t estimate

New study finds radiation dose for US West Coast from Fukushima over 500% of recent gov’t estimate — Release from Japan disaster could exceed Chernobyl Atmospheric transport and deposition of radionuclides released after the Fukushima Dai-chi accident and resulting effective dose, Atmospheric Enviro ...

replicable research, action research

Just a few things! First, I realize that I didn’t really explain some of my decisions in how I sequenced things with my 7th grade curriculum, so when I finish doing a similar task with my 8th grade understandings, skills, and standards, I can do some writing around why I thought certain skills or un ...

Scandi Crayfish Party

My good friends in Finland – and indeed in Sweden – tell me that mid August / September it’s essential to have a crazy ‘Crayfish Party’. As its name implies this involves getting through a lot of crayfish, as well as a lot of herring, cheese, crisp bread and aquavit, along with wearing silly hats. S ...

Travel And Tourism In Egypt To 2018 – Yahoo Finance

20, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: The report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights, including: Historic and forecast tourist volumes covering the entire Egyptian travel and tourism sector Detailed ...

Travel And Tourism In Egypt To 2018 – Yahoo Finance

20, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: The report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights, including: Historic and forecast tourist volumes covering the entire Egyptian travel and tourism sector Detailed ...

The Future of Schooling in Canada

When we look at the future of schooling in Canada what do we see? First we see a willingness to challenge teacher professionalism , in part on the basis of outcome data which is questionable. While PISA provides benchmark “snapshots” on a limited range of measures for school systems (Alberta vs Onta ...

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