Sunday, August 24, 2014

Top 7 Most Dangerous Sports in 2014

Top 7 Most Dangerous Sports in 2014

Top 7 Most Dangerous Sports in 2014 - If we compare this with the time when the sport first, we realize that the sport is relatively more secure. Not only the players who are protected by various safety, the audience was to be away from the location. However, today there are still some very dangerou ...

Formålet med denne bloggen, og hvorfor lærerne streiker.

Velkommen til den norske skolen. Som du sikkert har fått med deg er den norske skolen i disse dager i streik. Derfor skal jeg som første innlegg snakke om streiken. Videre i denne bloggen skal jeg forsøke å ta for meg skolen i norge slik den er, og kanskje slik den burde være. Jeg skal se på hva som ...


BERRY POWER. Last year I got really into the whole green smoothie thing and I was gulping them down on a daily basis for breakfast or a snack. By using the right ingredients you can make it just as healthy, nutritious and filling as you wish! Nowadays I don't do green smoothies every day, simply bec ...

Мои твиты

Вс, 09:37: Received a #postcrossing postcard from Finland:

Sketchcrawling in Finland

Is it weird that I am in one of the most praised places in Europe for the beauty of its nature, and I'm barely sketchcrawling? It's probably because I'm not on vacations, and so it feels really different to just stroll around and draw. I do it rarely at home because it feel like "yeah, I'm already b ...


Jeff Buckley waited in the fire and found redemption and release in the portentous prayers of this ecstatic elemental effusion. Buckley was the son of the folk jazz poet Tim Buckley, who died of a drug overdose in 1975: "There are all of these expectations that come with this "'60s offspring" bullsh ...

Skiing on a volcano and other stuff / hiihtelyä

Again two weeks have flew past me without a single mark on this blog. Lets fix that... I had a week of from school because everyone else were doing exams which I didn't have to do.(hahhah) Highlight of myweek ws a trip to Whangarei whith my host-mum because there's an indoor swimming pool! I did two ...

Perhaps Traveling Is Your Passion And You’d Like To Start Your Own Home Based Traveling Service Or Travel Agency.

Be sure to pick a home business that you’ll enjoy waking up your plane ticket, as the price may rise soon thereafter. In addition, travel permits may be required for travel outside sample delicious, homemade seafood platters and drink ice-cold tropical drinks while watching sail boats pass by. For i ...

Rain, letters and coffee

Wishing you all a lovely Sunday! I'm going to spend this day with my two favorite things combined; coffee and letters! As it looks like it's going to rain today, and I have no special plans (plus the laundry basket is pretty full...), I felt like writing some thoughts into papers would be a brillian ...

A mail update week 34

Hello my dears! Last weekend was exactly the same as the previous one. First I went dancing these old dances with my mom, which we call as 'Lavatanssit'. It's more of a hobby to the old people, so I was the youngest one there. I didn't really mind that as I knew my mom was having fun, and I got to g ...

Finland : TeliaSonera, DNA teams up for sharing network resources in rural FINLAND [TendersInfo (India)]

(TendersInfo (India) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) TeliaSonera, Finnish operation of Scandinavian operator that it is all set for collaborating with DNA, a local Finnish carrier which would perceive the two share network resources and spectrum in the ...

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