Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sweden - Finland - Margareta Capsia (1682-1759): Johannes Browallius

Sweden - Finland - Margareta Capsia (1682-1759): Johannes Browallius

The picture is from Wikipedia.

Behov av ett starkt Europa

MILANO: Det blev en eftermiddag med alla de allt värre kriserna i Europas grannskap när EU:s utrikesministrar träffades här för sedvanligt informellt möte. Vi har ju ett sådant under varje roterande ordförandeskap, och eftersom det är i Italien som är i ordförandestolen detta halvår träffas vi nu på ...

Scandinavium Gøteborg!!

WOW!! Noen fantastiske daga i Gøteborg e i gang. Nesten 4000 Hudpleie konsulenta fra Norge, Sverige og Finland e samla tel seminar i helga. En fantastisk opplevelse i år også meir info kjæm ...

2014 FIBA World Championships Primer

Tis the time to wipe the dust off the ole blog. Court Vision has lay dormant for over a month -- largely because my life was marred by any of the following: moving out of the White House, my inability to move into my new residence (which subjected me to a friend's couch for the next 8 days), and sum ...

Is N.A.T.O. Harmful to European Security?

In the aftermath of the cold war one can ask how N.A.T.O. is relevant to European security. After all N.A.T.O. was formed in response to the post-World War Two chaos of Europe that was divided between the Soviet bloc and the west. When the dust settled after Soviets rolled back the Nazis from the Ea ...

トップ有料 App カタログ ランキング【2014年08月30日】

1位 メイク・2200の素晴らしい姿:コンシーラー、口紅、チーク、... Shaman Machine カタログ ¥100  問い「どうやったら自分らしいメイクスタイルが見つかりますか?」答え「まずはじめに、次の3つの質問に答えてみてください」◉ 「どれくらいの時間が私にはあるかしら?」◉ 「どれくらいの種類の製品を使ってみたいかしら?」◉ 「どのパーツにアクセントをおきたい?」もしメイクにかけられる時間が少ししかないとしたら、メインのものだけに、重点をおきましょう。例えば、コンシーラー、マスカラと口紅。もしあなたの顔のアクセントになるパーツが決まっていたら、そこに全ての時間をかけましょう。も ...


BOOKED! (3) “The world is so full of a number of things, I ’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” – Robert Louis Stevenson About a week ago I serendipitously stumbled upon a sale at the LACMA ( Los Angeles County Museum of Art) store. What luck! Despite the fact that I had just reorganized boo ...

Pick Team USA to Cover vs. Finland in FIBA World Cup Opener

What’s Team USA Made Of? So by now, you’ve probably heard that there’s no LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant or Blake Griffin. Yes, they all decided to skip the FIBA festivities in Spain. You probably also heard about that Damian Lillard was ...

The fans are here for Finland

BILBAO, Spain – They are the biggest thing in Bilbao, backed by 8,000 fans – not to mention some Angry Birds – whose free-spending boosters are such believers they’ve already started lining up transportation to the second round. And if looking good ...

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