Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Morsomt om et alvorlig tema

Morsomt om et alvorlig tema

Er det temaer skjønnlitteraturen ikke bør harselere med eller skrive morsomt om? Visse lesere vil mene det. For eksempel er det ingen tvil om at en del vil mene at det å skrive morsomt om selvmord, er -om ikke sjoffelt, så i hvert fall litt taktløst. For noen lesere markerer det en slags ukryssbar g ...

Finland International Air Show

Sunnuntaina 17.8.2014 Helsinki-Malmin lentokentällä. Kävin perheeni kanssa viime viikonloppuna (16.8.-17.8.2014) pidetyssä Finland International Air Show:ssa. Ohjelmassa oli upeita lentonäytöksiä (taitolentoa), yleisölennätyksiä (sekä helikopterilla että pienellä matkustajakoneella) ja maanäyttely ( ...

Kehoäly ohjaajakoulutus, Cardinal, 1. level Instructor (Punainen taso)

Syyskuussa on Helsingissä kolmen päivän Kehoälyn ohjaajien koulutus. (Kehoäly® method, Body Intelligence® method from Finland). Koulutuksessa opiskellaan Cardinal (1. taso) Kehoälyn ohjaajien graduointiin vaadittavat asiat. Koulutuksen ja kuukauden aktiivisen itsenäisen harjoittelun jälkeen osallist ...

Amphibious Radost released on Kirigirsu Recordings in Japan, and Last (for now) Concert in Turku

Friday the 29th at Nykytaidetila Kutomo, Tsembla, myself (thats Core of the Coalman, at times, and usually when the moon is not full), and Kuupuu, are going to have a concert. This is my last concert before I have to leave beautiful Turku, and Finland, and these are some of my favorite musicians, so ...

U.S. Ship Neutralizes Syrian Chemical Arms

A specially equipped U.S. ship has finished neutralizing all 600 metric tons of the most dangerous of Syria's chemical weapons components surrendered to the international community this year to avert threatened air strikes, the Pentagon said on Monday. It said the Cape Ray, equipped with the U.S.-de ...

Vegan Karelian pasties Finnish style

My Karelian Grandmother has been making these every time we visit and they're a true tradition in Eastern Finland. Unfortunately with milk porridge and loads of butter on top. You can replace the milk with vegan milk or just use water as I did this time. To make it fat free you do not have to use an ...

Step Up 2: The Streets Genre: romance, dance Country: The United States Running time: 98 minutes Rating: US PG-13, Finland K-7 Release dates: US 14th February 2008, Finland 22nd June 2008 Director: Jon M. Chu Screenplay by: Toni Ann Johnson, Karen Barna Starring: Briana Evigan, Robert Hoff ...

Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth among world's most livable cities

The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) claims its annual Liveability Survey could be used to "assign a hardship allowance as part of expatriate relocation packages," among other things. But that needn't apply to those in Melbourne, which for the fourth year running has been declared the best city in t ...

Goliatmusseron hittad i nordligaste Finland

Photo: Niclas Bergius (Matsutake (tuoksuvalmuska) found near Lake Inari in northern Finland) Goliamusseronerna på bilden har hittats nära Enare träsk i norra Finland.

Dear Diary: Irina

The presentation of Hanna Ahlgre-Leinvuo from one of the departments of the City of Helsinki, Urban Facts, was about her project where she compare data of social services and early childhood education between six largest cities in Finland. From the lecture we have known how the system of social serv ...

Death of the car: The tech behind Helsinki's ambitious plan to kill off private vehicles

"I now declare Finland as the country for open traffic experiments – Finland is a Traffic Lab," proclaimed Henna Virkkunen, Finland's transport and local government minister, in June. The aim is to install Traffic Lab-compatible devices in up to 60,000 ...

ZetaDisplay: Extend its business with new million deal to University Pharmacy in Finland

ZetaDisplay has since 2012 been working with the prominent Finnish pharmaceutical company, University Pharmacy (Yliopiston Apteekki), and delivered the ZetaDisplay Digital Signage media platform to them. University Pharmacy is Finland’s largest employer ...

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