Saturday, August 23, 2014

How to Get to Helsinki from Pitcairn

How to Get to Helsinki from Pitcairn

I was talking with Crystal Huff about getting to Helsinki, and I volunteered to put together a list of how to get to Finland for the Helsinki in 2017 Worldcon bid. After I sat down and got started, I thought it would be interesting to put the list together in a non-US-centric way, so I started on th ...


"Hi I am a finnish man and I know somethin about history of Finland and her wars. I translatede a comment (below) in google and some words seem to be quite offensive. I dont know ehat is real meaning of the writer but I would like to say some things. :Finland treated all russian Pows wery well by th ...

Flexible Instruments: Writing in Different Genres

About our guest blogger: Joe L. Murr has lived on every continent except Antarctica. He now divides his time between the Netherlands and Finland. His stories have been published in magazines such as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Chizine, Noir Nation and here at Cecile’s Writers, and are forthcoming in He ...

Internationella nyheter

Om du råkar vara i Shanghai i kväll skall du gå på det här: Min svåger har sin första DJ keikka där och jag håller tummarna för honom och hans coola DJ wify i kväll. Och ifall du råkar bo i Schweiz skall du beställa champagne från Le Champagne Shop nästa gång du går på fest eller vill överraska någo ...

Across the continent – part I

[I decided to move some of my posts from blogspot to wordpress because I find wordpress more comfortable. This post was written from my home in Nepal when I went there last summer.] Thursday, July 11, 2013 From the last post that I made from my bed in Kokkola over a month ago, days have been in cons ...

Rovdjur som invaderar Sverige

Invasiva djurarter kan vara ett stort problem. Det kan utrota existerande arter, förändra balansen i naturen och bidra till att den biologiska mångfalden minskar. När det gäller rovdjur finns det fyra djurarter som anses vara invasiva i Europa, mink, mårdhund, tvättbjörn och näsbjörn. Den sistnämnda ...

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