Thursday, August 28, 2014

Finland suspects 3rd Russian airspace violation in 6 days

Finland suspects 3rd Russian airspace violation in 6 days

HELSINKI – Finland's Defense Ministry says it suspects a Russian military aircraft has violated Finnish airspace in the third such incident in six days. Ministry spokesman Max Arhippainen told AP that a Russian AN-72 transport plane is believed to have ...

UPDATE 1-Finland suspects Russia breached airspace for 3rd time in week

The Finnish border guard was examining the data for possible violations, the ministry said, without giving further details. The ministry said the plane was state aircraft, a term which refers to aircraft used in military, customs and police services.

Первое золото у России

русский язык могуч ) Первое золото в пляжном волейболе на юношеских ОИ : Первое золото - у России Но помимо этого это первое российское золото в возрастных соревнованиях, проводимых ФИВБ с 2001 года: Первое золото у России. Читаю послематчевое интервтью. Вспомнился Маугли : "Он не забыл, он не забыл ...

Mustard yellow and dots

Hi! Since I dyed my hair red, I've been loving monochrome outfits. Black and white look best with red hair and I can wear my hair as "the pop of colour". I've been trying to be more open to colours and as you may have noticed, they have slowly lurked in my wardrobe. These mustard yellow pants caught ...

WRC Rally Finland 2014 Maximum Attack On The Limit Jumps

OLDNEWS N 7/2014 (369)

_______________________________________________________________________ ИHФОРМАЦИОHHЫЙ ЛИСТОК УКРАИHСКОЙ ФАHТАСТИКИ N 7/2014 (369) _______________________________________________________________________ O L D N E W S От 28 августа 2014 г. (с) ТМ "Второй блин" (г. Харьков). ОТ СОСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ: Данный ин ...

Everybody loves Raymond; Fatima

Cocktailbloggare och testapa står i köket och slabbar. Inte alltid glamoröst eller instagram-bart men nog så trevligt! Någon sa väldigt klokt en gång att ”gränsen mellan öst och väst går mellan Sverige och Finland”. Det finns sanning i detta. Vet ni vad som är stort i öst? Det här med namnsdagar. Id ...

Plan a Vacation

Americans lag behind other world in vacation time. Were 41st inside a 2007 survey conducted with the human resources firm Mercer over time off and paid holidays averaging 25 annually. Finland in contrast offers its workers 30 paid vacation days and 14 paid holidays. And once referring time for just ...

Miami osa 2

Toinen osa alkaa nyt!Mulla näissä postauksissa kestää aika kauan.Tämäkin Postaus viivästyi noin kuukauden .Hups! Ystävämme apina :D Tein tonnikalasalaattia Oltiin key westissä tää kuva on siellä yksi nähtävyys Caramel frabucino (en osaa kirjottaa) kengät:converse housut:hollister Paita:american eagl ...

Cricket – an Everyday Sport in Finland

I witnessed an amazing thing the other day when I walked past a sports field here in Helsinki. There was a group of people dressed in white clothes throwing a small ball around and trying to hit it with a bat that looked like a flattened baseball bat. Could this be…? Yes, it is! Cricket. The lads we ...

Exhibition- Näyttely

I have a solo exhibition in Finland, Seinäjoki. More info through me, here Tervetuloa yksityisnäyttelyyni Seinäjoelle. Esillä uusia teoksia, modernia mustavalkoista, tutkielmia kirjaimista ja värikästäkin löytyy. Myyntinäyttely, vapaa pääsy! Näyttely on auki 3.9.2014 - 25.10.2014 Aukioloajat löydät ...

2014 runde 7 – Varierte blinkskudd

Månedens bilde Reinsdyr. Gull. © Øyvind Dyrdal Bildet er tatt «heime» på Voss ein kald men fin ettermiddag i midten av februar. Me har gåande små reinsdyrflokkar i fleire av fjellområda på Voss. Det set altid ein spiss på turen når ein møter på desse hardføre dyra som nesten heile tida oppheld seg i ...

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