Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Development to Continue at 140 MW Waste to Energy CHP Gasification Plant in Finland

Development to Continue at 140 MW Waste to Energy CHP Gasification Plant in Finland

Following a successful first two years of operation, the 140 MW combined heat and power (CHP) waste to energy gasification facility in Lahti, Finland is to be further developed. According to Valmet, which supplied the waste gasification technology deployed ...


3 juli 2012 - Mamma det känns så konstigt i min arm, säger Linnea när vi vaknar. Vi är ensamma hemma. Egentligen skulle vi varit på sjukhuset för att få behandling, men värdena är inte tillräckligt bra. Vi står lite handfallna när vi blir hemskickade från sjukhuset. M ska åka för att hämta lillasyst ...

The Excellent Adventures of Mary Bellfield

It was my Great Aunt Mary who taught me basic needlework skills and showed me how to use a sewing machine. My mother would take us round to her house after school to be measured up in her attic work room for our next-size-up school uniform or a new best dress, which would generally be ready to wear ...

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